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Hopefully you were in a reasonably secluded spot where it was unlikely that anyone else would see you. Be polite and cooperative. Answer the

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A horrified 11-year-old girl saw a couple having sex in a parked car at a well- known Merseyside cricket club. The child and her mother spotted

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LAREDO, Texas (KGNS) A couple is facing charges after they were caught engaging in a sexual activity in Central Laredo. Laredo Police arrested Marilyn Priscilla Parada, 23, and Jose Alberto Ayala, 32. When officers arrived, they found a couple engaging in a sexual act on top of the.

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A 24-year-old man was arrested after being caught naked under a car trying to have sex with its exhaust pipes. NAL-Work in LE. If the officer(if it was the police) never approached the vehicle, consider it likely a friendly warning. If had had wanted to arrest